Entrepreneurship's Day

Entrepreneurship Day on 21th Sept

Science concepts behind polymers.
Explanation: A polymer is simply a long chain of repeating molecules (monomers). Some polymers are made up of millions of monomers. Superabsorbent polymers expand tremendously when they come in contact with water because water is drawn into and held by the molecules of the polymer. They act like giant sponges. Some can soak up as much as 800 times their weight in water!

Making instant ice cream from milk & orange juices!
Explanation: The power of salt. When salt comes into contact with ice, the freezing point of the ice is lowered. The lowering of the freezing point depends on the amount of salt added. The more salt added, the lower the temperature will be before the salt- water solution freezes.

Ever Changing color milk experiment
Explanation: Milk is mostly water but it also contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and tiny droplets of fat suspended in solution. Since milk is mostly water, it has surface tension like water. The drops of food coloring floating on the surface tend to stay put. Liquid soap wrecks the surface tension by breaking the cohesive bonds between water molecules and allowing the colors to zing throughout the milk.


Explanation: Our special BUBBLE GOO contains cornstarch which help to slower down the evaporation rate so that our bubbles can last longer and not break so easily.



Science concepts about the ketchup in the bottle experiment.
How does it works?
The packet floats because an air bubble gets trapped inside the
packet when it's sealed at the factory. As you squeeze the bottle and push the water against the floating packet, you compress the air bubble into a smaller space.

Pig Heart's experiement
Objective: Using a pig heart, students will observe the major chambers, valves, and vessels of the heart and be able to describe the circulation of blood through the heart to the lungs and back and out to the rest of the body.
Observation: The left ventricle has a thicker wall and is more rigid than the right ventricle.

Dissection of a Frog
Hot Air Rises Experiment
Egg in the bottle Experiment
Science Explanation: The lit matches heat the air inside the bottle. When air is heated it expands (and takes up more room). As the heated air expands, some of it escapes out the bottle. When the matches go out, the air inside the bottle cools and contracts (and takes up less room), thus creating a lower pressure inside the bottle than outside. The greater pressure outside the bottle forces the egg into the bottle.
Science Experiment of pulling of blocks
Science Concept : Law of Inertia - An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.